To boldly lead the charge in elevating the world's best supply chain, with a steadfast commitment to feed and foster McDonald’s and the communities they service to shape a more sustainable future for all.
Building and elevating System knowledge and expertise
Fostering dedication to the System
Providing visionary leadership
The Supplier Network is an inclusive group of McDonald’s suppliers who support the McDonald’s business by being stronger together.
To date, the Supplier Network is made up of over 140 companies 800+ members, including eleven companies previously awarded the prestigious McDonald’s Supplier of The Year!
Our membership includes highly respected leaders in their industries, as well as seated members of the SAC who are recognized by McDonald’s for having robust Sustainability practices, Quarterly Business Review expertise, Inclusion programs, and other specialized skills.
Food and non-food suppliers are represented, including: Baked Goods, Bakery, Beverages, Cheese/Dairy, Equipment, Fashion, Fruit, Ingredients, Logistics, Liquid Products, Oil, Packaging, Potatoes, Produce, Protein, Seafood and Technology.
Membership in the SN is voluntary and is open to companies that are qualified active suppliers to the McDonald’s System in North America. To qualify, a company must:
Sell goods and / or services to McDonald’s Restaurants in multiple regions versus one region or parts of regions
Be an approved supplier to the McDonald’s System and must have all documentation required by McDonald’s in place, including a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and / or Business Relationship Agreement (BRA) with McDonald’s or its supply chain management services provider, HAVI
Individuals may be members if they are direct employees of a member company or have the (above) required documentation to be a supplier